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The pre-requisite to attending this training is that you have already attended an Ancient Paths Seminar with small group ministry. Phase 1: Online Training (To be completed on own time at own pace) Cost $25.00 US Phase 2 & 3: Facilitator Intensive Training $125/person $250/couple for the live training

This is an intensive time of teaching leaders and potential leaders how to identify problems and allow the Holy Spirit to guide in effective prayer ministry through small groups.
Prerequisite: You must have completed at least one Family Foundations seminar. The SOM-FT has 3 Phases which are completed online and over the course of a week.

Phase 1: TfM (The former Training for Ministry Seminar is now the theory component of the training. Total of 10 hours completed ONLINE (on your own time) BEFORE THE START OF PHASE 2 (which is LIVE/IN PERSON). 

You will be mailed a detailed schedule and the link for Phase 1 after you have registered for the SOM-FT.

Topics include:

  • Authority and Leadership 
  • Philosophy of Ministry 
  • Process of Ministry 
  • Ministering to Shame 
  • Steps of Blessing 
  • Identifying Strongholds

Phase 2: FT – 4 Modules (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday 6:15-9:30pm)  This phase provides opportunity for heart ministry as well as learning the Jesus Wonderful Counselor process to minister to the heart. The phase is completed with coaching segments.

Topics include:

  • Transparency
  • Offense 
  • Generational Iniquity
  • Marriage is a Covenant
  • Blessing Name Card training

Phase 3: Overcoming Anger Seminar (Saturday 8:00am-6:30pm) Each participant is assigned an opportunity to Facilitate JWC ministry to the heart during a small group as well as receive ministry. This closed seminar also has coaching segments.

Topics include:

  • The Anger Cycle
  • Identifying the Real Source of Anger
  • Three key steps to overcoming anger
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